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15개월 아기 15개월 아기 언어발달 정관오에 구경 시켜주러 나가는 길, 아파트 정원을 보고 “꽃, 꽃 , 꽃” “우와~ 꽃” 띠띠빵빵. 빵빵. 고기. 하이. 빠빠이. 눈. 안녕. 자자. 요즘 자주 하는 말 “쪼아” 치즈. 우와. 기존에 할 수 있던 말들은 조금 더 정확하게 크게 말한다. 엄마 아빠~ 삐약삐약,멍멍, 음머, 짹짹짹 ,꽥꽥꽥, 예뻐, 아뜨, 아차, 안아, 보자보자, 가자, 앉아, 똥(요즘 잘 안함) 밥 , 맘마, 바나나, 어부바, 코, 아야, 똑똑,탭탭, 하트, 꽃 , 무, 쪼아. 치즈. 우와. 빵빵. 고기. 하이. 빠빠이. 눈. 안녕. 자자. 더보기
Kowloon bay Today’s destination is Kowloon Bay. It took about 30 minutes from here to Kowloon bay mtr station. Near Kowloon Bay station there are some shopping malls. We choose Telford plaza that is the closest one from mtr station. There were so many people. Very crowded. Because of mother’s day, I could get fitflop “buy 1 get 1”. Wow~~ fitflop is wellknown for really comfortable shoes. From yesterdaY, ver.. 더보기
Long day Today was really long day. At 9:00, we left to HK zoological and botanical gardens by Uber (160HKD). Very exotic and peaceful place center of the city with skyline. But really hot!! And birds and animal place was closed. We just looked around and drank a cup of coffee in light refreshment kiosk. And walked along the street to Central. On the way to Central, we found great restaurant for our brun.. 더보기